$ 39.95
Twenty-five pages pages of activity sheets guide learners through increasing levels of sophistication using The Private Eye process. The 3rd edition includes new sheets, many improvements, and a bonus sheet — to make the set even more useful.
Please read the Introduction Sheet before starting the activities; sheets also have some adult guidance built-in.
The new “At a Glance” Diagram is both for instructors and students — giving an overview of The Private Eye process.
Each activity becomes the basis for extended discussion, inquiry, writing and research.
Templates allow space to loupe-draw and to write. With the Inquiry Journals, students turn their comparative thinking into longer writings and develop lines of inquiry for research. The final activities take students into hypothesizing and theorizing. Sheets are single-sided, double-sided, or booklet-style (ready to fold).
Using The Private Eye method, your students will move through simple but powerful questions to develop the habits of mind essential to a writer, artist, scientist, mathematician and social scientist.
With everyday objects, The Private Eye Questions and Loupe, students deepen observation skills, analogic thinking, literacy and scientific literacy. They build creativity and communication skills. It’s serious work, but also fun. It’s STEM. It’s STEAM. Welcome to a fine adventure!
$ 1.35
Digital download. The perfect place to start The Private Eye process for the younger ages...
$ 1.35
Digital download The perfect place to start The Private Eye process for the younger ages —...
$ 37.95
Eighteen pages of activity sheets lead K-2 students through increasing levels of sophistication using The...